Sunday 6 August 2023

Day One, Where to Start?

 Sunday 6th August 2023 in Liverpool.

This morning we wandered around Albert Dock doing some reconnaisance. One attraction there is the "Beatles Story" but we may give it a miss as it is very expensive.

While the renovated warehouses surrounding the Albert Dock were crowded with tourists, there was also a lot of activity on the water as well, such as this all female dragon boat out for a practice run.

As ever, a coffee and cake stop was called for, although M actually had eggs on toast as she was feeling peckish. M thinks that the background looks a bit like St Mark's Square in Venice!

Just to the north of Albert Dock is a lovely statue commemorating another of Liverpool's sons, Billy Fury. Sadly he always has his back to the sun so his face is always in shade.

There is a local coach company which does tours round the city so we purchased two "Gold" tickets that include the hop-on, hop-off City tour, a Beatles tour and a trip on the Mersey Ferry. Today we did the City tour, passing Salthouse Dock and MM's mooring as we went. It was a great way to see round the City and try to get our bearings. The commentary was very informative and a lot of fun too. The lady guide asked for feedback on Trip Advisor, saying her name was Sue if you liked the trip and Ethel if you didn't!!!

When we got back to MM, we saw smoke and steam rising from the neighbouring dock, which turned out to be coming from the steam tug "Daniel Adamson" getting ready to go out on to the River Mersey. Next to it was a Craft Market that extended all the way alongside the dock. The sun was shining and the quaysides were thronged with visitors.

We wandered out to the lock that gives access to the River Mersey. At high tide, the pedestrian swing bridge was swung away and the large lock gate was opened by dropping it hydraulically flat on to the bottom of the dock bed. The wind was very strong and so the "Danial Adamson" had to take a run at the gap to avoid being blown sideways!

Out on the river, the wind and tide made her crab sideways as she sailed out into the middle of the channel. 

In the foreground you can see padlocks attached to the chain barriers. These are everywhere, there must be tens of thousands of them, they adorn almost every inch of chain around Albert Dock. So many romantic intentions!

Opposite Salthouse Dock is a large pedestrian area/shoppng centre called "Liverpool 1", which we wandered around. M was very taken with this barbers' shop which rather charmingly advertised its services to "Scoundrels and Gentlemen" over the door. Yet another fine old building put to new use; we see this a great deal in the city.

Back at MM, we marked Ken's birthday; he and Kate are on nb "Daedalus" on one side of MM. We celebrated with Mike and Audrey on "Caress of Steel" on the other side of MM and Chris and Debbie from "Hirrondelle", two boats down. A great evening was had by all!

MM is on holiday too, plugged in and with water on tap, so she is just relaxing after her exertions in the rain on Saturday.

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