Sunday 11 August 2024

Janice, Mark, Sam and George Visit.

 Sunday 11th August 2024 in Liverpool.

Glorious weather! Our first full day in Liverpool began with breakfast alongside Shelley and Harley in Lazy Bee. M is seated on the pontoon, by the way, not floating on the water!

MM has a washing machine and so M has been doing some washing for Shelley and Harley. We were very amused to see the words printed on the label of Harley's boxer shorts...

Today, Janice and Mark drove up from Reigate while Sam and George came by train from Chester, so we had all four of them on board MM. Marvellous that they came to visit and wonderful to get them all together as they live so far apart that they rarely see each other.

Naturally, we took them for a short cruise around the docks and both Janice and Mark had a go at steering. Janice was very worried that she would hit something but Mark decided that he liked the idea of a narrowboat and the freedom that it gives. He's even considering buying one to live on!! George enjoyed running round MM and watching from sitting on Sam's shoulders as we were out on our cruise.

Sadly, they were not able to stay long but it was a great pleasure to see them all.

As the sun began to set, Shelley, Harley and ourselves went for a walk down to the statue of the Beatles. On the way we passed the statue of Billy Fury, one of M's favourites from the 1960s and another son of this city.

Just round the corner we encountered two mounted Police Ladies. Harley, who used to train horses and is very knowledgable, got into a long conversation with one of the officers who were very friendly and chatty. They even encouraged children in particular to come and pet the horses.

At the statue of the Beatles, there was still quite a crowd even at nearly 9pm but we managed to get some good photographs. The statues really are such a brilliant representation of them when they were still quite newly famous. M, in particular, finds it very moving.

Later in the evening, as the sun set, we did a panorama of the view from MM. Hard to beat a view like that.

 As we are moored up with power and water, MM is getting a rest for the week other than our quick trip around the docks.

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