Sunday 16 June 2024

A Breakfast Gathering and a Day Off.

 Tuesday 11th and Wednesday 12th June 2024 at Great Haywood.

What a great start to the day! We met up for breakfast in the newly refurbished "Saracen's Head" at Weston with Bridgett and Peter, and Mel and Peter. The "Saracen's Head" is just opposite Bridgett and Peter's house and well known to Bridgett as she grew up in the pub, which was then run by her parents.

The pub is lovely now; we had a splendid breakfast and a chance for us all to catch up. We enjoyed ourselves so much that it was nearly midday when we parted company.

Our objective today was Great Haywood Junction just a couple of locks south. Moorings here are very sought after due to the proximity of an excellent Farm Shop as well as the Canalside Café.

We were very lucky to find not one but two moorings right opposite the café!

The last few days we both have been feeling under the weather with a lurgy of some sort, so on the 12th we took a day off and didn't take MM anywhere - but we did visit the Canalside Café for breakfast! The fact that we have not been feeling well is another reason why we are so behind with the blog - still, we are trying to catch up now.

M also visited the Farm Shop for a "few bits", expensive but very good quality.

Two Days: 3 miles, 2 locks and 1.4 hours.

Trip: 18 miles, 21 locks and 12.0 hours.

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