Sunday 16 June 2024

Another Breakfast and on to Tixal Wide.

Thursday 13th June 2024 at Tixall Wide.

 By chance, Mel and Peter were free again this morning and so they joined us in the Canalside Café for another jolly breakfast after which they hopped on board MM for the short cruise to Tixall Wide.

First we filled up with water at the junction while Mel and their two dogs, Inca and Kali, looked on.

Then R, Mel, Peter and the two dogs set off while M photographed our progress round the tight turn from the Trent & Mersey Canal on to the Staffs & Worcs Canal.

The junction is well known for its much photographed finger post and the iconic bridge. A recent planning application to build houses on the camping field opposite has thankfully been turned down.

We all waved to M as she watched from the bridge. Inca is an experienced canine sailor, as she spent much time on Mel and Peter's narrowboat yet she was really restless and vocal as this photograph was taken. It turns out that Mel had put Inca on the right side of the boat and her "traditional" place was on the left! As soon as we changed her over she settled down and was happy again.

Kali is their new Greek rescue dog and this was her first experience of boating and, judging by her reaction, she throughly enjoyed herself. Kali is very interested in anything new and still has to be on a lead most of the time as she has not developed the reliable need to return when called!

At Tixall Wide, we said cheerio to Mel, Peter, Inca and Kali as they walked back to Great Haywood.

Tixall Wide is so named because it is indeed very wide. It was once part of a big estate and, as was often the case in the eighteenth century, the wealthy landowner landowner insisted that, if the canal was to pass through his land, the canal should be made to look like an ornamental lake. Consequently it is a beautiful location and a very popular mooring.

We have grown very fond of their two dogs and have, rather rashly, offered to dog-sit for them for 10 days in October. Can't wait!

A lovely rainbow appeared over the "Wide", as it is known locally. 

Still not feeling brilliant, we decided not to go any further today, although M did walk back to the farm shop for a "few more bits".

Today: 1 mile, 0 locks and 2.0 hours.

Trip: 19 miles, 21locks and 14.0 hours.

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