Wednesday 19 June 2024

A Visit to Gnosall

 Tuesday 18th June 2024 in Gnosall.

It was so cold today! The  temperature never rose above 15deg and the skies were overcast and grey all day. It has been very frustrating to hear from friends down south that they have been enjoying warm, sunny weather!

M, busy being domestic inside MM, missed the opportunity to photograph a heron standing on a narrowboat fender, way above the water, and watching expectantly for its breakfast. However, this brave chap, who stayed put as we cruised past, made up for it later.

Just outside Gnosall is "Cowley Tunnel" which was hewn out of solid rock. Unlike most tunnels, it has no support or lining. Sadly, the rock was not as solid as originally thought and the tunnel used to be very much longer until faults in the rock caused the rest of the tunnel roof to collapse - so it is now just a short tunnel and a longer cutting. But it is still clear that it was a great achievement for its time when everything was done with picks and shovels.

An old lock beam welcomed us to Gnosall.

We found an excellent mooring right in the middle of Gnosall and found that we were next to nb "Rufford", a shared ownership boat in which our friends John, Judith and Jenni all have shares.

We walked into Gnosall via the old railway track, which seemed to be much more overgrown than before. We've also noticed that the canal banks aren't being mown. Funding cuts?

Over the years we have got to know Gnosall quite well as our good friends Annie and Paddy owned a house here, which we loved to visit.

Sadly, two of the best pubs in the village are up for let; perhaps a sign of the changing times.

Today: 5 miles, 1 locks and 2.3 hours.

Trip: 51 miles, 35 locks and 29.3 hours.

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