Wednesday 19 June 2024

Andy & Michelle visit on the way to Autherley Junction.

 Sunday 16th June 2024 at Autherley Junction.

So lovely to wake up here again at this beautiful mooring surrounded by oak trees and bird song.

This tiny footpath leads off into the woods and M couldn't resist following it, thinking she was off for a great adventure, only to find that it curved back to the towpath after about 10 yards!

Close to our mooring lives our friend Andy,  He, together with Scott and M's son Adrian, had all grown up together in Daventry and they have always kept in touch. Today, Andy and his lovely wife Michelle came to join us on MM.

It was great to see them again and, after coffee and a catch up, we set off on a short cruise with them.

Along the way we passed a huge chemical works now belonging to the SI Group. Notices warned against stopping anywhere near, a fact that was backed up by a distinctly unpleasant chemical smell. You wouldn't choose to linger here anyway!

On the way, M was thrilled to see this beautiful pyramid orchid on the towpath. It was one of two, both of which were going over but still lovely. They are relatively rare nowdays.

After a couple of miles, Andy and Michelle left us to walk back to their car. So nice to see them walking away hand in hand together.

Before Autherley are the infamous "narrows" where the canal was cut through very hard rock, so only a narrow channel was cut through the rock to save time and money. Luckily there was nobody coming the other way as it is not possible to pass another boat except in a couple of specially cut passing places.

 We moored for the night just before the Autherley Junction bridge.

Today: 7 miles, 0 locks and 2.8 hours.

Trip: 38 miles, 33 locks and 24.1 hours.

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