Wednesday 19 June 2024

Back onto the Shropshire Union Canal

 Monday 17th June 2024 at Wheaton Aston.
There is a handy "Morrison's" within 10 minutes walk of Autherley Junction and M could hardly resist the temptation of acquiring a "few bits". (actually we were short of milk, says M!). So, we set off on foot under brightish skies. The local authority has tried to make this large park into a wild flower meadow. The ox-eye daisies predominate very prettily but M also managed to spot a few rarer species, such as "salad burnett".

This willow tree has always impressed us. So rare to see one that has been allowed to spread to its full potential.

It was late morning by the time we got back to MM (with rather a "lot of bits") and set off to join the Shropshire Union Canal, which welcomed us just round the corner with this notice.

M went ahead to set the little 6 inch lock that was designed to stop the Shropshire Union Canal from stealing the Staffs & Worcs Canal's water. At this point, right on cue, the heavens opened and it poured with rain. R sheltered under an umbrella while M sheltered under some convenient bushes by the lock.

Minutes later, the rain stopped, we moored up and went to see Peter and Annie, who run the hire base here. It was from them that we first hired little nb "Emma" 14 years ago, and they have been firm friends ever since.

In autumn 2010, we also hired nb "Pegasus" with our friends Annie and Paddy. It was nice to see it still in very good condition.

At the little shop, we acquired a couple of Magnums in the hopes that the sun would stay out long enough for us to enjoy them. R doesn't look very confident of finishing his in the dry!

Bridge 10 on the "Shroppie" is one of those splendid bridges made to look like a grand "estate" bridge rather than just a canal bridge. Usually, these special bridges were designed as a requirement of the local landowners who wanted something more than just a plain old bridge.

Rather more prosaic, but certainly more fun, is this aqueduct which crosses the A5 road. Great fun to sit atop and watch the traffic thunder by below. Although it was remarkably quiet this afternoon.

At Wheaton Aston we moored up in the same spot that we shared with our lovely Aussie friends last year. Hopefully we will spend more time with them later this year and we are looking forward to meeting up with them again.

 The evening sun was very welcome but the temperature is still way below average for this time of year and the rain continues to come in intermittent downpours.

Today: 8 miles, 1 locks and 2.9 hours.

Trip: 46 Miles, 34 locks and 27.0 hours.

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